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A Sound of Thunder

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A Sound of Thunder
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Climax
  • The time is 2055 in the Time Safari Inc. And Eckles is so ready to get on the Time machine and go back in time to kill a dinosaur.
  • Falling Action #1
  • Travis takes Eckles and Lesperance to the past and explains the butterfly effect to them. Then they hear the sound of thunder
  • Falling Action #2
  • The group sees the T-Rex and then Eckles fails to shoot the T-Rex and steps off the path.
  • The group travels back to the future and Travis yells at Eckes because they have no idea if the future changed because he stepped off the path.
  • Eckeles get back and realizes That he had stepped on a butterfly and messed up the present And the Presidential election.
  • As a result for messing up time Travis shots Eckles in the head.
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