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The oblong box

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The oblong box
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • The protagonist was in a travel to his home in New York, he went in a sailing ship, He meets with his friend Cornelius Wyatt, he was with a mysterious oblong box.
  • Climax
  • he met again with Cornelius, but this time it was with his wife, i spoke to them but only Cornelius wife talked to me, and there it was again that mysterious box. ¿What is inside?. The guys that were carrying it said it was smelly.
  • Falling Action
  • When it was time fr lunch i went to talk with Cornelius and joke him telling that i knew what was inside the box. He didn't take it so well, He passed out.
  • Resolution
  • It was late in the night and the sea was preparing a surprise for us, the ship was about to sink, all the passengers run away to the boats, but it was a problem...
  • When the ship was sinking, all the passengers jumped out but Corneluis had a problem he didn't want to leave without the box, but he didn't listen to us, he jumped, but he drowned himself with the box.
  • A month later, he met with the captain, they talked about the accident and about what was inside the box, firstly he said that the women that was with Cornelius was his servant and then he told that the box had inside the dead body of Cornelius wife's,
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