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Unknown Story

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Текст Раскадровки

  • Expansion
  • Thank You sir for the opportunity you won't regret it.
  • Congrats on getting the job! I'm looking forward to working with you.
  • Recession
  • It looks like we're gonna need to make cuts. Our business is losing money and we can't afford it.
  • Recession
  • Okay no worries, it was great working with you.
  • I understand that we hired you a couple months ago, but due to the continuation of loss of money we're going to have to let you go.
  • Recovery
  • Hi, I noticed the help wanted sign and I am currently on the search for a job.
  • Perfect! Come inside and we can talk.
  • Help Wanted
  • Sounds Great! Thank you!
  • It sounds like it would make a good fit. Over the last couple weeks we've been hiring a lot more people.
  • Wow! Applications are coming in by the day and the worth of my company is finally beginning to increase.
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