Flashback in Holes

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Flashback in Holes
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Планы Уроков Принца и Нищего

Параллельный Сюжет и Нелинейный Нарратив

Планы Уроков Бриджит Бодине

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Описание Раскадровки

Use of Flashback in Holes - Parallel plot example & template

Текст Раскадровки

  • A hundred years ago, Sam made a living by selling his sweet onions to the people of Green Lake, Texas.
  • When Stanley and Zero are lost out in on God's Thumb, they survive by miraculously discovering wild onions. They have accidentally stumbled upon the thriving plants that Sam tended a century before.
  • Trout Walker kills Sam out of jealousy and racism. From that day on, rain never falls on Green Lake.
  • When Stanley arrived in Camp Green Lake it has been dry for years. The former lake is now a desert due to a decades-old cosmic punishment.
  • When Kissing Kate Barlow robs Stanley Yelnats I, she does not kill him.
  • Start digging. Hahahahaha!
  • Stanley Yelnats I lives to have generations of descendants (up to Stanley Yelnats IV), but the Yelnats family remains perpetually poor.
  • Dig!
  • Before Kate Barlow dies of a lizard bite, she tells Trout Walker and his wife that her treasure is buried somewhere in the dried up lake.
  • The Warden turns out to be Trout Walker's granddaughter. She has all of the boys at Camp Green Lake dig holes, not to reform them, but to help her find the treasure.
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