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Текст Раскадровки

  • I really hate everyone. I live alone in my swamp
  • Come back here, Donkey!
  • Go away, Donkey
  • I have no friends and -
  • Shrek was an ogre who lived b y himself in his swamp. He hated everyone and humans would always try to kill him.
  • Meanwhile, people were selling magical animals and creatures but a talking donkey escaped! The donkey bumped into Shrek and the guards ran away.
  • The donkey liked Shrek and tried to befriend him. Shrek always told the Donkey to go away but the Donkey stayed.
  • Some of you may die, but it's a risk I am willing to take.
  • Whilst Donkey slept outside Shrek's swamp, many fairytale creatures took over. Fairies, the three bears, everyone!
  • The animals explained that Lord Farquad had done it so Shrek and Donkey headed out to the town. The town was very quiet when they got there.
  • The duo arrived at the castle and Lord Farquad was making Knights fight. Apparently, the winner would get to rescue Princess Fiona.
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