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dark dystopia

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dark dystopia
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Текст Раскадровки

  • RUN!!!
  • where am I?
  • a hard problem- riddler- ENGIMA
  • here is your riddler: a hard problem to crack
  • meriad was a deadly place
  • I am Mera.
  • Who are you? You must be strong to surive the journey
  • It was full of creatures that were mysterys apon themseaves and people everlost and trapped
  • Gray stone manyor is the only safe place in this place
  • In the manor, Mistress Eve, Shay (the ghost), Violet, Flora (the sleeping beauty), silky, and quarter the dog and fancy cat the punished all live in chaotic hamony.
  • Flora sleeps in the main bedroom, eversleeping. (Violet and Silkie spend a fair amont of time there)
  • Shay lives in the lab, were she died and grew up. her pet project, Marcus, is her favorite expriment. She was suprised when he came alive and raises him as a son
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