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The Boy and the Abandoned Orphanage

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The Boy and the Abandoned Orphanage
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Текст Раскадровки

  • The boy and The Abandoned Orphanage
  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • BY: Elaine Drusina
  • Climax
  • Bryan was questioning everthing he learned from in father. He had just learned that something bad had happened to his mother when she went to fix and abandoned organege, and he wanted to know what happend to her.
  • Falling Action
  • His father went to work early so Bryan had to walk to school. He didn't realize that here was a girl in front of him and he stumbled in to her. She was oddly familiar to Bryan, then she exclaimed", Bryan is that you??," Bryan was so confused then he saw her face I was his best friends as a kid her name was Kira she had moved away and they lost touch. Once they saw each other they started to catch up with each other.
  • Realution
  • Turns out that they were in the same class so when they did a project about mothers day they decided to partner up. Kira noticed that Bryan was looking down when the teacher said mother's day project. So after class she asked him what was wrong he told her everthing about what his dad had told him and that was why her never new his mom. That gave kira an idea she squealed out of nowhere and it startled Bryan. She enthusiastically said", Why don't we go to were. your mother disappeared and try to find her. He was so excited that he might find him mom he said yes. (Do all the stuff in the haunted orphanage.
  • After hey finally get out of the haunted orphanage. Bryan was running with tears he saw so sad to learn to truth about how his mom died and who they almost did. They went back home and it was like nothing happened but when they got home it was like they never left.
  • The went back to school the next day happy to know that they weren't in the haunted orphanage anymore but one thing bothered them when night falls on their houses they felt like they were being watched.
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