The Story of Henrietta Lacks

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The Story of Henrietta Lacks
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BY: Maeva Marshall

Текст Раскадровки

  • Henrietta got married on April 10, 1941, to David Lacks.
  • Henrietta found out about her Cervical Cancer on January 29, 1951 when she took a blood test.
  • The scientists finally told Henrietta family around 1970s and named the cell line HeLa.
  • But what the doctors really didn't tell her was her cancer cells were invincible because they didn't die after they were out in the open space but they thrived.
  • Over a period of time, Henrietta's cancer got worse and worse she died at age 31 in the Jhon Hopkins Hopsital
  • Because of Henrietta's cells, many, many, many, many lives were saved.
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