Plot Diagram Example

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Plot Diagram Example
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Описание Раскадровки

This is an example of what a plot diagram means.

Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Here I am in school, everything is totally normal! Hey, where's my dad?
  • Conflict
  • All I want is my daughter back but will the court let me have it?
  • Rising Action / Complications
  • I'm being framed for a crime I didn't commit! I have to prove my innocence to get back to my daughter.
  • We learn background about the story, like the setting and characters. Then there is an inciting incident, that brings the main characters out of balance.
  • Climax
  • The evidence I needed is buried in a chest at this beach - I've found it!
  • Something gets in the way of the protagonist.
  • Falling Action
  • Now, I can present this find to the court and I'll get to see my daughter again!
  • We learn more details about the story, including obstacles for the protagonist.
  • Resolution or Revelation
  • DADDY!
  • This is the high point of the action, or the crisis point.
  • Now the climax has finished, the story line wraps up.
  • The story comes to an end and the plotlines are completed.
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