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Innocent thieve

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Innocent thieve
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Dang it Stewart!

Текст Раскадровки

  • Why on earth?
  • Sooo... What are we doing here Jennifer??
  • There you are Stewart! We have disguises so we can raid some candy.
  • Oh.
  • Because I'm broke. Why...DON'T ASK!
  • This chocolat is delicious!
  • And be quiet !
  • I know right? Let's get out of here before someone catches us!
  • Put you hands up! What are you doing here?!
  • Ahhhhhhhhh!
  • The bag
  • Well... Jen was just saying that she was too broke for candy yet she wanted some.
  • Why you little...
  • You guys are coming with us. You are going to jail!
  • Great job, Stew.
  • NO! I'm too young to die! And my chocolate bar!
  • Darn it Stew! I told you to stay QUIET! You and your stupid chocolate bar!
  • Darn it Stew! I told you to stay QUIET! You and your stupid chocolate bar!
  • Oh. Oops.
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