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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Описание Раскадровки

Christmas carol project

Текст Раскадровки

  • exposition
  • rising action
  • Climax
  • Scrooge is a greedy and angry man. Ever sense his business partner died, marly. He has been so selfish.His employee Bob crochet is a bit poor, He gets paid 15 shillings a week. He wanted to have a day off for christmas, but that would mean Bob would have to go in early the next morning.
  • falling action
  • The two ghost list scrooge to take him to the past. First is was the ghost of christmas past then second it was the ghost of Christmas present.Him and the ghost of Christmas past went to go revisit his lonely past, and of how he was bitter towards the holidays.Each of the ghosts let him see himself in his young years, and the future.
  • resolution
  • As scrooge is visited by the ghost of christmas yes to come, and scrooge sees his grave. Scrooge realizes he need to stop being greedy and mean and it's time to change. He realizes that he should now be happy for christmas, and believe the spirt of Christmas.
  • Theme
  • Scrooge returned back to the real world, and he gets excited for christmas!
  • scrooge went to go be happy with his friends and family for dinner on christmas. He changed for the better.
  • To me the theme is where you have a second chance to change for the better, And that isolation and being mean isn't the way to live, Being loving and friendly is always better.
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