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The Tell-Tale Heart

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The Tell-Tale Heart
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Текст Раскадровки

  • Exposition
  • Once concived, the idea haunted me day and night.
  • Rising Action 1
  • Hohohohoh... This crack in the lamp is sufficient enough for me!
  • Rising Action 2
  • The story opens with the antagonist, who is the narrator, telling the listener that he can prove his sanity by how calmly he can tell us of how he murdered an old man. The narrator is unreliable because he claims that he has a disease that allows him to hear things in heaven, the earth, and in hell, but then contradicts himself by saying he can healthily tell us the story. He tells us that his motivator for murder is simply the old man's vulture eye.
  • Climax
  • As he recalls his horrible tale, he explains how he would watch the old man night after night for eight days. The narrator would sneak into the old man's sleeping chamber and watch him with much dissimulation as the poor man slept. He would come into the room with a lantern, and open it just enough so that a small crevice of light could enter the room. He would use this light to observe the old man's eye, but even with all of his efforts it was never open.
  • Falling Action
  • Oh I have so much audacity... I'm so evil hehe...
  • Until one night the narrator was a little bit too reckless. He had laughed at the old man's demise. The narrator was proud of himself of how "keen" ,and "wise" he was. With the laugh the old man had awoken in a cold sweat. Perhaps he should have left? The narrator though otherwise, and he stayed there for one hour not saying a word. He opened the lamp to view the evil eye, and it was open, WIDE OPEN. the sight of it made his blood boil. He hears a sudden heartbeat of terror, and assumes that its the old man.
  • Resolution
  • After the narrator realizes that "The sound of his heart bursting will be heard by a neighbor." He lunges at his prey, and throws him off of the bed. He grips onto the matteress and smoothers the old man to death.
  • After disposing the body in the bathtub, a sudden knock at the door can be heard. The police have arrived due to one of the neighbors filling a noise complaint, and claiming that "it could be foul play." The narrator invites the officers in with pride, giving them seats and inviting them to chat as he sat his seat on top of the now dead old man. The narrator starts to hear the heart beat again... it gets louder and louder by every passing minute.
  • He soon wishes that the police would leave as the sound only grows louder by the second. He's swearing, arguing over nothing, and talking in a vehment manner. whilst he is screaming and yelling the police men continue to laugh, and chat. The narrator assumes that they are mocking him. Then he finally gives up and confesses to the murder.
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