Job Interview Social Story

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Job Interview Social Story
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Социальная История Подростков

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Описание Раскадровки

Social Story to prepare someone for a job interview. Use this social story example or customize it to help teens navigate different social situations!

Текст Раскадровки

  • There are a few things you should always do when going to a job interview, no matter what the job is.
  • Job Interviews
  • I think I should wear a skirt and nice sweater.
  • My interview isn't until 2pm, but I am glad I left early, especially since I got lost.
  • Actually, yes, I have a few...
  • Now that I have told you about the job, do you have any other questions?
  • A job interview is your chance at a first impression when it comes to a potential employer. It is important to make it a good one.
  • It is important to dress professionally and appropriately when preparing for a job interview.
  • You should always give yourself extra time and plan on arriving a little early. You never know what may happen on your way. It also shows that you are reliable.
  • Come prepared with questions about the job, and don't be afraid to ask them.
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