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early battles

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early battles
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  • Long Island
  • Trenton
  • Princeton
  • The long island battle was in New York. It was a British win and the America was forced to retreat. America lost over 20% of there men in that battle. They lost New York because of that battle.
  • Brandywine
  • The Trenton battle was in New Jersey. America won the battle and it gave them a high moral. Washington crossed the Delaware river and snuck up on the British.
  • Saratoga
  • America won the battle of Princeton because the British had to retreat. The Washington leading his Troops.
  • Summary
  • Washington attempts to prevent the patriot capital at Philadelphia from being captured, but failed. this long and bloody conflict ended the patriots winning streak.
  • A major victory for George Washington and the patriot troops. This battle was the turning point in the war. This patriot win persuaded the French the war on there side.
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