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Russian Revolution

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Russian Revolution
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Text z Príbehu

  • The Tsar's military generals soon advised him to step down from power and the Tsar eventually complied. With the abdication of the Tsar, there was a temporary provisional government. Later on, Lenin would increase his political platform by promising all Russians "Land, Peace, and Bread", something that attracted all Russians. They withdrew from WWI.
  • This event is known as Bloody Sunday. Peaceful protests were led by Priest Gapon to which they were murderered ruthlessly in demonstrations.
  • We just want more rights! 
  • No! We will not grant you that! This mutiny shall not be tolerated!
  • The Bolshevik's handeling of the political situation in Russia wasn't liked by all people and foreign influence would create the White army. The Bolsheviks, with their Red Army, would fight the White Army in a civil War. By 1921, the Red army would emerge victorious.
  • Tzar Nicholas established the Fundemental Laws which acknowledged the October Manifesto, which were demanded by Liberals, but still gave the Tsar total power and not much changed at all.
  • Okay, you will have your parliament, but I can still basically do whatever I want so yeah....lol
  • That is SO uncool man!
  • Im so hungry!
  • With the entrance into World War I, Russia was losing lots of money. Their economic situation was dire and they were losing territory to the Germans. Russia experienced a massive famine and many people died.
  • Russia's First and Second Congress of People's deputies of the USSR, in 1924, would approve the declaration and the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR.
  • There is no food!
  • This famine sucks! It's all because of that war!
  • With the Tsar gone, I, Lenin, promise to all Soviets Land, Peace, and Bread! We shall no longer fight in the War with the Germans!
  • Hooray!
  • The Bolsheviks are the best!
  • Communism is the only way!
  • No communism sucks! We must install capitalism!
  • This is the Soviet Constitution! With this, a true utopia will be born! These states will all be unified!
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