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Philosopher Story

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Philosopher Story
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  • Today in history class my teacher told me woman used to have unequal rights, who was there to change this for society? In science I learned that we use The Scientific Method in our everyday lives!
  • There was a woman named Mary Wollstonecraft. She tremendously fought and advocated so that you can have freedom the way you do today!
  • Mary is that you?
  • Well of course! I heard you wanted to hear about my journey.
  • Wow! Is this your house? This is such an amazing opportunity. I can't wait to hear all about your journey of how hard you fought so that other women and I can have the freedom that we do today.
  • Yes, Welcome in! This is where is where I moved after the death of my mother.I used to try to live by Laissez-faire, and just live in the moment. After I moved out, I realized I needed to take action against equality for Women. During my life I wrote many books o advocate and spread awareness about this cause.
  • I feel honored to be born into a world where I can make my own decisions and be respected by the male view. I heard that girls couldn't even attend school to get an education, is that true? I would not enjoy that,I'm gonna be a doctor one day.
  • Yes it is, founded a school for girls alongside my sister in 1784. It sparked the education and awareness about education for young girls and women in London. I tried to use inductive reasoning to persuade people into joining my train of thought.Inductive reasoning is a method based on observations used in various situations!
  • Is this your school you founded? This is amazing. It must've been hard to get started on this and finally come around to building it/ finding girls to attend he school. What was your favorite subject to teach ?
  • Yes, as you can see it looks very different from the schools you and probably your great great grandparents attended. My favorite thing to teach to young girls is history. They always seem so amazed by ancient government, and things such as Separation of Powers.
  • Dad, I had the most amazing dream last night. I met Mary Wollstonecraft ad she told me ll about her life and adventures she endured to advocate for women's rights. I'm so thankful we had people like her to that I can go to school and have my own rights today.
  • That's great honey! I'm glad you have sparked an interest in history, just like your mother. You should tell the class about what you learned later today.
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