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Book of unkown americans

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Book of unkown americans
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  • “Speaking spanish…. Someone yelled at us again”pg 9At this point in the book they had just gotten to America and went to the gas station because they didn't have any food. This is important because this is not part of the american dream where everyone is supposed to live together and have a better life from where they came when their first interactions with people is them getting yelled at for not understanding what the clerk is saying. 
  • “One of the guys in the house started dealing for the smugglers. He earned out his fee in the first two weeks. I didn’t know how else I was gonna get out of thee, so I signed up,too” Pg 46Benny Quinto this is the only chapter we hear about him. He came from Nicaragua, paid someone 3,000 dollars to get into the states and was in debt. He had no way of paying them back so he started selling drugs. This is a part of why the american dream can fail people, they get the US insearch of a new, better life but once they are there they live worse. Always on the run, they have to stay away from the government and such (that could deport him) and they will sometimes find themselves in situations like this having drug dealing to be their source of income because nobody will hire an undocumented immigrant 
  • didn't happen. Don't be ungrateful
  • He raped me
  • “He knocked me to the floor and climbed on top of me. He did unspeakable things… ‘Look at this life they’ve given us,'' she warned me not to be ungrateful.” pg 117This is a good example of how badly some people want to stay in the United States. Quisqueya's mom completely ignored her being raped to stay there because they wanted a better life and if she messed it up with the guys dad their life in american is gone. This does not reflect well on the “American dream” because a part of that idea is liberty and this goes against the definition of that.
  • “We are not actually interested in you people” pg 177 Because she was from a different ethnicity she was unable to get any roles in broadway. She, like many other immigrants, was let down again by the American dream. She was told America had what she wanted and it didn’t
  • “‘Get away from her’” pg 121 The Riveras moved to the United States for a better life for Maribel. They uprooted their entire ,good, life in Mexico to move to Delaware to help her. But it could have made things worse. Maribel got raped by Garret and they cant do anything about it because they are undocumented and if they go to the police they are getting deported. This is not what the Riveras thought their life in America would be like because this is not the American Dream
  • “Now I have two jobs.”pg 90Gustavo has it the best out of all of the rest of the characters I talked about but it's still not great. He works 2 part time jobs, one in the morning at a shopping center and at night at the movie theater. When I said he has it the best I mean that he works a lot a little for himself and the rest of his family. 
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