Infografía de Bienestar

Vytvorte Storyboard
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Infografía de Bienestar
Storyboard That

Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

Vyskúšajte to zadarmo!

Vytvorte si vlastný Storyboard

Vyskúšajte to zadarmo!

Storyboard Popis

¡Los estudiantes pueden ilustrar las diferentes áreas de bienestar en una infografía para ayudar a la comunicación visual!

Text z Príbehu

  • - ability to build and maintain positive interpersonal relations.
  • Social Wellness
  • Talk and connect with friends and family!
  • 5 Areas of Wellness!
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Physical Wellness
  • - ability to perform tasks and avoid illness.
  • - ability to recognize internal feels and address them.
  • Remember to eat your vegetables!
  • - ability to comprehend desired knowledge.
  • Intellectual Wellness
  • Read a book and make sure to study for your next test!
  • - ability to understand purpose for actions and decisions.
  • Talk to someone you trust about your feelings!
  • Spiritual Wellness
  • Take a calming walk through nature and meditate!
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