Lakota Sioux Tribe By Jade

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Lakota Sioux Tribe By Jade
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  • Environment
  • Food Source
  • Art And Daily Life
  • The Lakota Sioux is a native american tribe that is a part of the great plains area. Their environment is hot, dry plains. There are some desert plants such as some wild flowers, desert trees, cactus and dry grasses and that's about all the plant life. There are quite a few animals in the plains but only a few they hunt. You can learn what they hunted and ate in the next paragraph.
  • The Lakota Sioux tribe ate various kinds of food such as bison [the long-horn on the storyboard is a bison because they didn't have a bison], jackrabbit, squirrel, elk, turnips, potatoes, corn, beans, squash, bison meat [the chicken leg is supposed to be bison meat chunks], beans and wahonpi soup. Wahonpi soup is a Lakota Sioux soup. It has water for the broth, bison meat, potatoes and turnips. It was a good meal for the Lakota Sioux.
  • The art an daily life of the Lakota Sioux is pretty simple. The only art they did [sort of] was their teepees. Their teepees were made out of bison hide. sometimes they were decorated with mud and clay used like paint. For their daily life they hunted and cooked over a fire and farmed corn, beans and squash.
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