Change of Views - Scientific Revolution

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Change of Views - Scientific Revolution
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Storyboard Popis

Enlightenment Scientific Revolution with storyboards - Change of Views from Scientific Revolution

Text z Príbehu

  • Galileo
  • Newton
  • In his book 'Starry Messenger', Galileo Galilei wrote about his observations using a telescope. He claimed that Jupiter had four moons and confirmed Copernicus' theory of a heliocentric universe.
  • Toricelli
  • All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
  • Isaac Newton theorized that the universe worked because of a power called gravity. This force affected everything in the universe and maintained order.
  • Janssen and Leeuwenhoek
  • Barometer
  • I have seen the cells in blood!
  • Evangelista Toricelli created the first barometer. He used it to show that changes in atmospheric pressure could predict weather.
  • Vesalius
  • Hmmm...Humans are far more sophisticated than animals like pigs...
  • Dutch eyeglass maker Zacharias Janssen invented the telescope. Anton von Leeuwenhoek used the invention to see cells and bacteria.
  • Jenner
  • Immunity!
  • Flemish doctor Andreas Vesalius dissected corpses and discovered a far more sophisticated human physiology than previously believed.
  • British doctor, Edward Jenner, created the world's first vaccine. He gave people small amounts of cowpox, which gave them immunity to smallpox.
  • Cowpox virus

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