Romeo and Juliet Symbols, Imagery, & Motifs

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Romeo and Juliet Symbols, Imagery, & Motifs
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Plány Lekcií od Anny Warfieldovej

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Romeo and Juliet Symbolism, Imagery, & Motifs definition and examples

Text z Príbehu

  • Throughout the play light and dark imagery is repeated
  • Dreams are seen as an attempt to escape from reality.
  • Darkness helps to conceal the secret love of Romeo and Juliet. ​
  • Common connotations of darkness are evil or death, as in the final scene when Romeo and Juliet die in a dark tomb.
  • In the play,​ the idea that dreams are only fantasies is most visible in Mercutio’s "Queen Mab" speech.
  • Romeo, the dreamer, quickly falls hopelessly in love. Mercutio can’t help but create a satire around this idea.
  • Poison appears twice in the play; each time as a way to end a problem.
  • Friar Lawrence says everything has its purpose and that things are only made evil by human hands​. The man-made poison that will make Juliet appear dead is evil.
  • Romeo visits an apothecary. He buys a lethal poison that ends his life.
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