Barnum and Charity like eachother and Charity has to leave with her family and cant see eachother for a meanwhile was crushed. he really likes charity. Although charity parents font like barnum because he was so poor.
ClimaxNever Enough
When Barnum grows older, he starts a circus with very unique people from girls with beards to very tall guys to perform in his circus.The critics dont think Barnum circus is very good. He don give u;p though and get the freak and lies about the but that don matter
Falling ActionFrom Now On
When the boys parents come to the circus the boy lets go of her hand and she gets upset and runs away.She hates how he is like that and knows its because of racism. She htes his parents bcause they od that multiple times like on the stair to the movie.
ResolutionThe Greatest Show
while Barnum goes on tour with jenny stuff gets so bad first he kisses her in the end and it gets on the news. His wife is no to happy about this. Secondly where he gets back he find out his circus is burned down.
Barnum wants to start the circus back up again and the people in the circus give him a second chance. he thanks them and they tell him to go gt Charity. He does just that and goes to; the bach and apologizes and gts his wife back and they go rebuild a new circus.
Barnum starts the circus back up and performs bigger and better with the help of the unique people.At the end of the show Barnum was shown giving the circus to the kid. Then he rides out on an elephant and goes to his kids pageant.