We are superior! We are worthy of our advantages we have!
We want to be higher class! Our group does not like the disadvantages from being a lower class than estate one.
I want equality! My people are being treated unfairly!
Tennis Court Oath & The National Assembly
I swear to never stop meeting with the National Assembly until the constitution is created!
King Louis XVI voiced out that he wanted to hear everyone and their needs. This brought a beacon of hope for those who are treated unfairly.
Declaration rights of Men
Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen of 1789:“men are born and remain free and equal in rights”
All three estates voice out their perspectives, and concerns from their estate. The voiceless have a voice! The third estate is finally being given a chance to be heard, and possibly helped. The King however did not take their complaints seriously. He instead ignored the third estate's wishes, and inequality issues. Even thought they were able to speak, they weren't being heard. The king ignored the third estate's complaints, and moved on.
March of Versailles & Kidnapping of the Royal Family
If you don't accept our offer, someone is going to get hurt!
The Third Estate come together in a Tennis Court to swear they would keep assembling until the Consitution was created. This group named itself the National Assembly. They don't want to be treated unfairly any longer.
Execution of King Louis XVI
January 21, 1793, Place de la Concorde, Paris, France
At first, the King disapproved of the constitution that was being out in the first place. However, a constitution that the king would approve was finally declared thanks to the National Assembly, and their resilience. This was a break from Social Injustice, and the Status Quo. People of high standing were now taken their advantages away from them. As for people of lower-class status, they were finally being treated equally without unfair treatment in order for the higher classes to have those advantages. In this declaration, Equality, Liberty, Property, and Security for all men were announced. All men remain free and equal.
2: All men have the rights to liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression3:No person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned unless according to law.
Women marched all the way to Versailles because their living circumstances were unbearable. It was a struggle to survive in their conditions. They threatened to kill the guards, the queen, and the king if they disagreed to come live where they lived. They did this to show the royal family their perspective, and how it is unfair for them to have those living conditions where they can barely live.
King Louis XVI died due to a conspiracy of using foreign powers. He was found guilty and therefore beheaded with the guillotine.