In far away lands, you will find, a beast awaiting, for you to be makng, its demise.
Alessandro was born with the gift to control water. His mother was always scared of his power so she hid him away from the world. She would rarely let him into the outdoors but this didn't stop young Alessandro from saving his town and being recognized.
Traveling to Inferno
When Alessandro was in his teen years, his mother sent him to the market to buy some produce for dinner and coming meals. As he was strolling there, Adrian and Adonis teased him and made fun of him. Adrian is one of the sons of a high-status family. Adonis is his friend (also of high status). Alessandro couldn't take it any longer and shot Adrian upon a geyser. The whole town was now scared of Alessandro.
Slaying Inferno
Alessandro's next step was to consult Alistair. Alistair was a shady man who was rumored to have told people's fortunes and paths to redeem themselves. Alistair tells him that the king of the city is fearful of a monster lurking in nearby caves and cliffs. Alistair said to slay the beast with all Alessandro's gifts and findings and he will be redeemed as a superhero.
Returning home
Thank you Alessandro!!!!
Alessandro took off on his adventure to slay the creature. He found a shield and sword and decided to hold on to it for the later battle. He would later know what Alistair meant when he said, "to slay the beast with his gifts and findings.
When Alessandro finally arrives at the cave, he learns the beast's name (Inferno) and the shape of his enemy (a fiery dragon). The dragon's breath kills soldiers in an instant. He overcomes the beast by willing the water to burst through the ground and smother the dragon and his fire. He finds the claw of his game and makes his way home.
Die you fowl Beast!!
Alessandro made it home and his mother greeted him with gleefulness after he was gone for so long. The prince greeted him with thankfulness and gratitude for diminishing his fear of the beast. Adrian and Adonis treated him with forgiveness. The whole town rejoiced but Alessandro couldn't go back to his old life. He will be forever changed.