Channel: Air, Face to FaceMessage: apologizing about lateness and saying that she is going to be the doctor for the patientEncoding: The sender was Telling the patient about outside and telling the receiverInternal Noise: The patient is talking to his self being happy about skipping school
Hi, how are you? Sorry for being late, there was a hard patient outside i had to take care of. Anyways i am going to be your doctor today?
Sender: Doctor
Yay, im skipping school today!!!
Receiver: patient
the other room patient being loud
Channel: Air, Face to FaceMessage: doctor making sure they want to do a check upExternal noise: the other room patient is loud Decoding: Patient going to try understand what the doctor is saying so they can tell their mom if the mom asks about the
It says here that you want to do a check up right?
Did the doctor say anything? I should listen to them before my mom asks what happened here
Channel: Air, Face to FaceFeedback: Says sorry and says what's he is in the doctor office for
Um Excuse me, you want to do a check up right? hello?
Oh yeah hello, sorry. Yeah I am here for a check up