Oh no, I'm late! What will Ms. Julie will surely scold me and Emily probably got there first!
My poor fishies!
What happened here??
No it's not us we didn't do anything!
It must be Samuel and Emily. They were in charge of feeding the fish yesterday!
Where were you yesterday during the lunch break?
It wasn't me!
Samuel Nit is late to his 1st period math class.
Emily, how could you do that to my little fishies?
Mathew, the class goldfish, is dead, and Mathias, from the rare species of devils hole pupfish, is gone. Mathias and Emily are blamed for the death and kidnaping of the two fish.
Someone has claimed to have seen Ben, the class magician, entering the classroom yesterday during the lunch break and has a love for seafood. Samuel and Emily go to confront him.
In a heartbreaking turn of events, Samuel discovered that Emily was behind the crime. Emily kidnapped Mathias in order to sell him to a rich fish enthusiast. But while she was bringing devils hole pupfish out of the tank, Mathew swam as fast as he could to protect him. In a sudden reflex, Emily grabbed the goldfish and squeezed it so hard it died from the pressure.