BlockyCheese, BlockyChocholet and Blockybanana try to restore the cheese from BlockyJam will they succseed
Storyboard Text
Who are you?!?
Hey that's our Cheese!
We have cheese blasters!!
I'm BlockyJam and i'm here to steal you'r Cheese!!
The Cheese!!
Where is the Cheese?
BlockyCheese, BlockyBanana and BlockyChocolate were just wondering around and then BlockyJam jumped down and took there Cheese BlockyBanana and BlockyChocolate raised there Cheese blasters..
There it is!
BlockyJam jumped at them while shouting "Yaaaaaaa!!" But the Cheese went flying BlockyBanana was trying to catch it but missed.
They cornered BlockyJam but the Cheese was missing...
They found the Cheese but then all of a sudden BlockyJam came and punched BlockyChocolate on the head!!!
Just when BlockyBanana picked it up he got punched on the head aswell!!
BlockyCheese saw what he done to his friends and threw a Cheesy bomb at him he was never to be seen again, until...