Theres so many people crowding this shop. Everyone was all around me! Its terrible how nobody social distances.
Did you know this place actually had a COVID-19 case a few days ago? I heard the safe distancing ambassadors mention something about it
Oh no, does that mean we have to self quarentine?
Great! Not only there was no social distancing around me. But ive also went to a COVID-19 exposed place
Hey, I overheard you complaining about how crowded this place is, and i think so too! Thats why im going to the store across the street instead.
How do you know the other store isint crowded either? And there might be a COVID exposure that we don't know of, just like this shop
The TraceTogether App has a new feature called "Re:Track". It allows us to view the map of Singapore with Crowd Density bubbles, number of people within that bubble, as well as Past & Current areas with COVID-19 Exposures.
And in case its too much for one map, you can view each feature separently by selectively choosing what you want to see on the map
Wow! Thats so useful. I don't need to squeeze through crowds anymore and risk COVID-19 Exposure! Thanks for telling me about it! Ill go download it right away.