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Unit Four Portfolio - Sonnets

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Unit Four Portfolio - Sonnets
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  • Sonnet 116: Let me not to the marriage of true mindsby: William Shakespeare
  • This is a very important line in this poem. This line helpes the reader to understand the message of this poem. This line means that love will forever be the same. Love is never changing. It will forever be the same. This line supports the whole theme that "Love is unchanging".
  • O no! it is an ever-fixed mark
  • I will find my way back to my love
  • It is the Star to every wand' ring bark
  • The meaning of this line is that love is like the North star. It is never altered. It stays in place through time. This line helps to support the theme of this poem "Love is unchanging". Even through the years and changes it is the one constant. We can look up to the sky and find the North star. Just like love we can always find it. It will never go away or change.
  • The poetic device that was used in this poem is an illustration. This can be seen in Lines 1, 3 and 4. This helps to draw the readers attention to a section part of the poem and or to create a rhythmic sound.. In the poem line 1, it uses the words "marriage" and "minds". Another example of an illustration at play in this poem is line 3, the words "alters" and "alteration". This one really grabbed my attention. Not only does it rhyme but it made me pay close attention to what the poem was talking about. It helped me to have a better understanding of the theme as well. 
  • The turn in this poem takes place in line 9. Before line 9 the poem talks about love being like the North star and how it is never changing. The tone of of lines 1 - 8 are sweet sounding. After the turn takes place the poem talks about how time has no hold on love. The tone starts to become more intense. It talks about how time may take away beauty but it is no match for love. It goes to talk about love living till the end of time. The reader can interpret that love is eternal and can not be altered. This poem is a type of a Shakespearean Sonnet.
  • To me this line is very important in this poem. It's important because, it shows that love remains the same no matter the challenges. This line means that love will stay strong even in the face of destruction. This helps to build onto the theme of the poem, "Love is unchanging". The whole poem is about how even time, doom, and nature can not change love. It is so powerful that it stays preserved.
  •  but bears it out to the edge of doom.
  • This meaning of this line is that time has no effect on love. Love does not change because of time. Time may take away beauty but it cant touch love. This line is very important to the poem. It help to support the theme. Love is endless and will forever be unchanging.
  • Love's not Time's fool, through rosy lips and cheeks
  • Through this poem the theme " Love is unchanging can be seen. In line 6 the reader can see that nothing can shake love. Even in line 9 the reader can see that not even time can have an effect on love. in line 12, "even to the edge of doom". Love will remain the same in the face of uncertainly. Love is the one constant thing that will forever stay the same. Time, nor distance will ever change Love.
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