3. very good Thabo, we use water to bath. what else can we do with water?
1. Communication
1. Good morning children, who can tell me what we use to bath when we go to school.
2. (raises hand) We use water teacher.
What can i say?
6. Water is very important, we cant live without it so we need to make sure that we save water all the time.
2. Communication
5. Very good! Ayanda. today we are going to learn about the uses of water at home and at school .
4. We can water our plants and cook teacher.
3. Critical thinking
8. Good question Marry! if we ran out of water, everything would die including us. that is why we need to use water carefully
7. Teacher what would happen if we used all the water?
4. Communication
10. Oh teacher i know other ways we can use to save water
9. There are ways which we can use to save water here at school and at home, for example don't leave the tap running when brushing your teeth in the morning. You can tell others to save water by using a bucket when washing their cars
5. Communication
11. Very good! Thabo, now i want you to discuss the ways you know with your classmates
6. Creativity
12. Now I am going to give you empty sheets of paper. I want yo to draw 5 pictures of yourself saving water.13. When you are done drawing, i want you to come to the front and explain to the class how water is wasted and what we can do to save it.