this lands people are very unfair and I think i want freedom
Farther of Miguel Hidadaglo
This is unfair Spain's ruling isn't fair and the Spanish Should have this land not Spain i need to so something
The U.S. bought the Louisiana Territory from France for 15 miIllion dollars.
In the 1700 to 1800´s the lower ranks in the spectum like the Indians were treated unfairlty
Battle of Medina
once we find these colonist we´re gonna kill them.
In 1810 Father Miguel desided to stand up for the unfairness of Spain's rule by standing up for the Spanish and gives them freedom and the rights they desirve
Constotution of 1824
We´re finally getting freedom!
In the 1700 Philip Nolan and Peter Ellis Bean and some other of Phillips troups
come on peter we have to go sell these horses to the U.S.
Febuary 1813 in the BAttle of Medina took place and the Spanidh took quite heavely losees and reteted to San Antonio, by March The ones who one the war decrared indepencadace on Texas.
Did you hear about the new Constotution! Were getting rights we wont have to be ruled by the spanish!
The Constotution of 1824 provided a way for the people of Mexico to be treated fairly and spread the power of the goverment to many.