There are two families sailing on a boat. One family is isabels family, and the other family is Ivan’s . This happened in 1994 Her and her family were trying to head to Miami.
I hope it will be a safe trip.
Even though Ivan had died it helped us out with getting more weight off the boat
I hope that we make it to Miami safely
Rising action
Isabel jumped into the water after señor Castillo fell off the boat in the tanks waves.
I can’t have my baby here or else it will not be a U.S citizen.
The climax of isabels story is they stoped at an island called the Bahamas. They thought it was the u.s and they thought they made it but as they came up onto the land they were told they can not stay and they will only take isabels mom to have her baby.
Did we make it? Are we finally here?
we will only let The pregnant one come on to land
Falling action
The boat was sinking slowly. Ivan died from a shark bite after swimming in the water so the boat did not sink
Ivan was the only person that I grew up with and know he is dead.
am I going to get to have my baby on land?
As the shore of Miami was very unfocused and blurred they could still see the land with lights as they got closer to Coast guard approached them
Falling action
now we are never going to make it to land.
The Coast guard is after us we need to start paddling
Isabels mom had her baby on the beach of Florida after they had made it.