boys! we are going to take the exam we were yesterday we are ready!
yaaa.. don't interrupt me just a little longer
it's time for you to go to bed tomorrow you have an exam
four hours later... and the boy was still entertained on social media
a few more minutes
a while longer....
your child has an addiction problem with the world of technologies
you can help him by giving him advice to see the evil that is hurting himself just by passing with the phone.
!my little boy spends hours tucked into his phone casii does not go out to have fun and sometimes does not eat
And now! I didn't study anything because it was on my phoneand I'm very sleepy!
teacher we can talk for a second!
if teacher we are prepared
What happens is that I do not study or do my homework on social networks..
social networks are not bad but if you use them continuously or excessively your mind will get used to using the mobile all the time.
you have to think that social networks bring problems like kidnappings, bullying, bad comments and many things for that you have to use a strong password and be careful with the people you chat with.
boys! learn to use technology responsibly walk for a while, do not abuse DO NOT HAPPEN AS I HAPPENED TO ME SPEND ONLY IN TECHNOLOGY we can use it to obtain information and communicate with our family