I am Ashoka, the Ruler of India and I want to conquer the land of Kalinga and expand the Mauryan empire
yes sir
yes sir
My fellows friends, in order to win this battle, we must act as one and fight with our hardest
150,000 deaths later...
we won...but at what cost-what do we gain from this-
Buddhism...I have been enlightened by that religion and will now convert to it
After the war, Ashoka felt immense sorrow and remorse for the deaths that war has caused
all these deaths...I must establish peace in the empire through Buddhism to prevent this from happening again
After the war, Ashoka converted to Buddhism in order to establish peace and continued to maintain his empire in nonviolent ways
people of my empire, I invite you to take part in me in following Buddhism. If not, then continue in following in your religion as no discrimination shall be allowed
From there on, during Ashoka's time, his people lived without violence and his empire was maintained through peace