Hey dad look at this image that I found on the internet, it’s supposed to be a photo of a UFO. The caption says: this is proof of aliens landing on earth, WE ARE DOOMED!Do you think it’s true?
Well Son I'm not sure if it’s real are not but let's find out.
But how can we figure out if this image is real or fake.
Well there are many different ways to know if an image is real or fake, but the easiest way to do it is by doing a reverse image search on google.
A reverse image search, How can we do it?
To do a reverse image search we press and hold the image then click search on google, then a bunch of sources will pop up and our job is to look for the most reliable sources and see what they think about the image.
Wow dad thanks, and look at this it turns out that this image is fake and it’s photoshopped..
But how can we figure out if this image is real or fake.
Told you son, nowadays everyone is lying.
Well thank you again for every thing and see you around.