One of the basic consequences that videogames has is that the multiple use of them can create addiction, with result that the childs will stay only home and playing videogames
Nikolas you have been playing since 5 hours nonstop!!!! Please close the computer and go outside for playing with your friends.
No mum.... I have found a videogame really interesting and i dont want o go outside now
Nikolas Have i told you before the implications that the utilisment of videogames has on our lifes
No mum... i dont know any implications,
OK. Now its time to learn some of the basic implications of videogames
Im hearing you.
of course it is.
And which is the other consequence?
Thats too bad.
The other consequence that videogames has is the fact it can create major changes on the behaviour. For the shake of an example you can be really reactive
OH thats so bad . I dont want to change my behaviour because of videogames
I hope you take into consideration the implications of videogames and not play so much from now on
Now that i know the implications of videogames, i will never play so much time and i will try to play with my friends outside, more than videogames