“Yes; a farmer’s wife; yes, certainly. It would be desirable.”
“But ought she not primarily to be able to milk cows, churn good butter, make immense cheeses; know how to sit hens and turkeys and rear chickens, to direct a field of labourers in an emergency, and estimate the value of sheep and calves?”
I shall soon want to marry, and, being a farmer, you see I shall require for my wife a woman who knows all about the management of farms. Will you be that woman, Tessy?”
Angel's proposal
“Ah—that’s different—it is for your good, indeed, my dearest! O, believe me, it is only for your sake!
Angel's Insistence
“But you will not accept me as a husband?”
“As I say, ’tis a widow-woman, and she had money, it seems—fifty poun’ a year or so; and that was all he was after.
Widow's past haunts her
“Well, the silly body should have told en sooner that the ghost of her first man would trouble him,”