We had enough trees that they would never be finished and that would make me more money.
hi, i'm tomas. And I used to work in these companies
or at least that's what I believed, the day came when there were only rotten logs left
my job was easy, I cut down trees and they paid me well
The most resourceful forest burned down, leaving animals and people completely powerless.
We waited days, weeks, and even months for them to regenerate, but nothing worked.
And when we really believed this would get better, it all fell overboard
It is difficult to imagine what the human being can create, rather ruin it.
people came to their senses and began to make strikes and of all kinds to be heard
the company gave the order not to say anything, people really didn't care, after all, the city improved in appearance
And as expected after a long time, the air could not even be breathable, no one ever left their house again. The streets were empty, what was once happiness turned into sadness
Sooner or later the consequences come, as there was no healthy oxygen, the state was forced to wear masks to protect our lungs as the air was very harmful
I feel guilty, I was part of the problem and I did not measure the consequences of my actions. It's hard to survive here, but I just wait for the day when everything gets better
What they did was worth the companies and they left there looking for more money
The agreement was for the production of energy with fossil fuels and other non-renewable sources.
They made a contract in the city and the governor accepted for what was signed for several years.
oil pays much more than excessive logging
Everything was going very well, or that's what the big companies have led to believe, as I said, as long as there is money, everything will be fine.
We all received a statement that if the city continued in that state, everything would end soon, but people did not understand what they were referring to.
productivity was good, but this wouldn't last long
Meanwhile, the great leaders did not care about anything and continued their lives of luxury and carefreeness.
I would love to say that everything has improved and those green pastures, blue waters, clear skies are back...
But it was too late, half of the people had died from problems in the body due to contamination.
But none of that has happened, everything in this place has died and it was not for more, there are many types of contamination and they are all important, this will happen in a short time, we will die and thanks to ourselves.