Born into slavery in St. Domingue, Toussaint Breda learned of free men and Africa from his father
He was inspired by French philosophers and realized he is more than just a slave and deserves freedom
Enlightenment ideas sparked rebellions within sugar plantations and farms in Saint Domingue
Revolt with me brothers! WE DESERVE FREEDOM AND RIGHTS!
Toussaint would lead his "Rag-Tag" enslaved soldiers to victory against France, Britain, and Spain...but this was just the beginning!
Toussaint went on to help the French during the Reign of Terror and captured Robespierre who was sentenced to death by guillotine
Napoleon Bonaparte took over France and brought back slavery in Haiti, which brought more war. Eventually, Napoleon and Toussaint agreed to make peace in person...but with a dark twist for Toussaint.
Napoleon tricked Toussaint into capturing and imprisoning him until his cold, hungry death
Napoleon eventually would die the same way, rotting in prison. Except Toussaint did not rot in prison...he became history there