Every where in the Mayan cities had a family ruling. They were wealthy and the son of the family would take the throne once his father passed it on. There were a lot of wars because rulers would fight in them and a new ruler would takeover if the king died.
I will never be wealthy!
The Priests are the strongest people in the Mayan social class. Priests were given gifts from the people because the Priests could talk to the gods. They were also wealthy and had servants just like the rulers.
I hate my life!!!
Merchants were either nobles or peasants who run business and made art. Peasant merchants could act or dress similar to nobles.
Warriors weren't in any social class. Military leaders were nobles. Most warriors were peasants and if you have a son who becomes a warrior and you are a peasant warrior, your son is ranked higher than you.
Maya peasants made up most of the society. They were farmers or craftsmen. Peasants were sacrificed if captured warriors not there to be sacrificed.
Slaves are the lowest social class level. They weren't treated s badly as other slaves in the world. Slaves are either orphans, captured people, punished people. etc.