Romeo, juleit is dead I just saw her and sh is dead
Oh no my juleit she is dead I must be with her for ever I have a bottel of posin
Oh my romeo you must have not got my message dont go romeo I lover yuo I will be with you foever.
Romeo servant came up to tell Romeo that he saw Juliet died and romeo had to go see for himself so he went onto his horse and to see if it was true and the servant got there before the message so he thought that she really was dead
Oh my what happen romeo didnt get the message and now they are both dead we must have a cermony
Romeo went to go see if it was true and then he saw her dead in the tomb and then he freaked out so he had a plan to make it right
We are gathering romeo and juleit it is very sad and now they are forever going to be togehter in peace
Juliet wakes up from her spell and finds that romeo is dead and then she gets very sad so she then desides to drink the postion so that they are foever togehter
They will be missed and now there all togehter and the familey are together and now they can live on
Frair lawance finds thm dead and then is confused why they are both dead and finds out they are really dead and then desides to have a cermoney for them
Allthe people watch as the go away and in sadness with there familey adn they are now all going to be togehter foverer
They all gather at the cermony and in sadness they say goodbye.