Johnny has bitten Rob. Rob's first responder (nuetrophils) will begin to protect him. Johnny's nastiness will be protected (Eosinophils).
Soon enough I will have all of your nasty germs off of my fresh skin
Rob tries to run but his asthma (Basophils) kicks in, he struggles. Rob realizes why he does not run.
I hope I am not allergic to you. Even if I am my body will get over it.
Johnny's trial in hurting Rob's body fails. He is protected (lymphocytes).l
My body will protect me from you!!!!
Rob is now happy that soon enough he will have some new skin cells and no more of the old. No more Johnny germs (Monocytes).
Rob would have been better off without Johnny. He's probably allergic. Johnny is going to be the reason histamine is released in Rob.(The inflammatory system)
Rob is not appreciative for Johhny being all up on him. Him and his insides are trying their best to become immune to the weird kid. (anti-body meditated immunity)