Then Thomas gets an idea he will just cpy his neighbors work
Hello class sit down I will be passing out your test as soon as I give it to you you can start
The next day Thomas gets his test back and gets a hundred and Mrs. blueberry brings him to his tuter and he takes a test to get released from tutering. It is the exact same questions like on the test but with differnt numbers
His test resaults came in and he failed. But that is very odd because he got a hunderd on the origenal test. I looked at the camera footage and Thomas cheated.
I am so sorry I just wanted to finally pass
why would you consider this cheating why or why not? I would consider this cheating because it is stealing another persons work and calling it your own.
How did they cheat?explain. Thomas cheated by looking on someone elses paper and copying it down on a test.
Who is cheating in your scenario? Thomas
How would you handle this situation if you were placed in this situation? I would tell a teacher