In the beginning was Chaos, suddenly split in two, forming Father Heaven (Uranus) and Mother Earth (Gaia); As love touched them, Uranus showered a fertile rain on Gaia
Gaia was so insulted by this treatment that her children were given, She plotted with her youngest, Cronus, to kill Uranus;That night the son waited for his father with an iron sickle and when Uranus came by, Cronus leaped out and killed him.
Cronuswent ahead and married his sister Rhea and waited for the children to come along. As soon as they were born, he swallowed them so that they would not be able to dethrone him
Rhea decided to trick Cronus and save her last son by giving him to the lesser gods.
Cronus vomitted up all the siblings.Zeus flew to Tartarus and let loose the Cyclops and the hundred-handed monsters, and with their help he conquered Cronus
The Cyclops were so grateful at being freed that they made the thunderbolt and lightening for Zeus. They gave Poseidon the magic trident which would cause the earth to shake, and they gave Hades a magic helmet which made him invisible.