Set in 1880 in Paris, France. A young middle-class woman fantasizes about a life she can't afford. Her husband returns home one day with tickets to a very rich party, and she is both pleased and concerned that she would appear frumpy.
I wish I could be like them!
I want to be wealthy and live a regal life.
Mathilde Loisel isn't affluent, but she wishes she was. Her husband offers her money to buy a dress, but she doesn't feel complete until she borrows a necklace from a wealthy acquaintance.
Thank you!
What a lovely piece of jewelry.
Loisel at the ball The necklace mysteriously disappears, but Loisel is a star. She and her husband consider replacing with something that looks identical after days of looking. The replacement cost more than they make, and they'll have to pay it off over ten years.
It seems pricey!
What a disaster this existence is!
The couple finishes off their debts after ten years of hard labor and challenges.
Because of that necklace, my life has been ruined. Ten years ago, I borrowed...
Oh my goodness! That's something I had no idea about!
Mathilde is walking to the market one day when she spots the acquaintance from whom she borrowed the necklace. She makes the decision to tell her what has transpired.
Oh, no! That necklace was a forgery, my friend!
Forestier's acquaintance informs Mathilde that the jewelry was "false," a fake.