The story of the atom first began in Abdera, Greece around 400 B.C. where Democritus, a Greek philosopher made the theory that all material is made up of indivisible particles called "atoms" which is Greek for "indivisible".
If a stone is cut in half, the two halves would still have the same properties of the whole, just smaller. Therefore, I believe that if the stone was continually cut in two, at some point, the stone would be so small it would be impossible to split anymore
Almost 2200 years pass, and a British Chemist, John Dalton decided to turn Democritus' hypothesis of the atom into an scientific theory between 1803-1808. His theory consisted of five main points. Not all concepts of the points are new, but Dalton built upon the work of other scientist and philosophers. Its also important to note that some of his points have been disproven
Compounds are composed of atoms of more than 1 element. The relative number of atoms of each element in a given compound is always the same. Chemical reactions only involve the rearrangement of atoms. Atoms are not created or destroyed during chemical reactions.
in 1932, the Scientist, James Chadwick found the third elementary particle of the atom; the neutron. In 1919 Ernest Rutherford discovered the proton, a positively charged particle contained in the nucleus of the atom. Many were convinced that the proton was not the only particle in the nucleus. With that in mind, James went on to find the Neutron.
Fascinating! I found a particle devoid of any electrical charge!
The most known design for the Atom was made by Neil Bohr. Bohr was the first to discover that electrons travel in separate orbits around the nucleus and that the number of electrons in the outer orbit determines the properties of an element. He developed the model after studying the way glowing, hot hydrogen gives off light
My model shows the atom as a small, positively charged nucleus surrounded by orbiting electrons instead of the electrons scattered all around the place.