My name is Adolf Hitler! I am very interested in politics, I also hate non-Germans. Can I join the German army?
Yes! We can always use the help.
Time to look into the German Workers Party.
Yes! Why not? We will even help you try to overthrow the government in 1923 during the beer hall putsch
Wow! Could I take over your party and name it the National Socialist Party? (Nazi Party)
Hello! I am a German Workers Party member! We have the same political views as you. Herr Hitler! Because of the Treaty of Versailles Germany has been treated unjustly, we have to change that!
During WW1
Uh Oh! The coup failed, now I have to be in here for 5 years!
That's sweet! Now I'm going to publish my book and rebuild my party!
By the way! You just got out after only being here for a year!
After WW1
Germany has been treated so unfairly! Now is time to take over and kill a bunch of people because of our racism.
Breaking news! The economy has just crashed due to repercussions from WW1, and the stock market crash, everyone go vote for the Nationalist Socialist party because they talk about how great we are!
Now I am Chancellor of Germany! Time to dissolve the offices of both the president and Chancellor and become Fuhrer!