Don't be anxious; your aptitude test results will be satisfactory.
Hopefully, my aptitude test results will be good.
8 minutes before the commencement of the aptitude exam,
It's all right. Just be careful the next time so you don't hurt anyone.
Because of Lilian's haste, they knocked into each other.
Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'm just in a hurry and nervous at he same time.
They took an aptitude test individually to decide which group they belonged to.
They took the test seriously...
I opted to join the abnegation faction because I learned how much I like assisting others and not being selfish all of the time. I can only expect for abnegation as a result.
I also understood that I couldn't abandon my family merely to obtain my freedom.
the following day..
She is, after all, pleasant. What do we expect, right?
She just realized that she can't abandon her family just so she can wear attractive clothes or to celebrate birthday. In a world full of cruelty and greedy individuals, the community must maintain the abnegation faction so that compassion can exist in the world.
You are a part of the abnegation faction, dear! Congratulations! May you spread and teach other people being selfless sometimes.