Now we present our section called "Women in Middle Ages"
At that time, women were very vulnerable as regards sexual relationships.
I know it is usual and extremely common... but never I thought how disgusting it
Yes, Anto! Men thought they could coerce with impunity on almost any women. In fact they weren´t able to do anything to stop that...
It was considered normal, women didn´t have rights...
The author Ruth Mazo Karras shows that "... they (women) were victims of the structure even if they learned to make the best of the situation."
It reads "I know it is usual and extremely common... but never I thougt how disgusting it could be to see a husband forcing a poor woman to delight him..."
Right, Vero... And to prove this, I will show you this piece of writing from a woman from the 11th century Nobility, in which explains how she felt when she saw his husband abusing a servant.
I know it is usual and extremely common... but never I thought how disgusting it