Mark Grayson is introduced as an ordinary teenager in a world where there are superheroes/villains. His father is Omni Man (an alien who is also the earth strongest superhero). He doesn't have any powers. Mark is told that his father's people are a species (Viltrumites) that travels across the universe to protect other planets because its society is 'perfect'.
The guardians of the globe (a team of earth finest heroes) are killed by Omni Man (Mark's dad). However, nobody knows that he killed them
Falling action
Mark discovers his powers and has some father-son bonding. Eventually, he joins a superhero team called the teen team after figuring out one of his friends is also a superhero. He goes on many adventures since the guardians of the globe were killed the teen team have to fill the gap. He calls himself INVINCIBLE.
The government discovers that Omni man is the one who killed the guardians of the globe. Mark and his father have a huge fight, killing thousands of people as a result.
Mark loses this fight and is left half dead. His father then tells him the truth of species. They had killed all of their people that seemed weak. After most of the population was killed the remaining few set off to conquer planets and try to rebuild their population. Just before Mark is about to die his father flies away from the planet. He could not kill his own son.
Mark eventually gets better and then continues his life protecting Earth as INVINCIBLE. After some time he meets Allen the alien and he learns more about the viltrumites and their rein over the universe.